

18.6.2009 晴

这个年代会说方言的小孩大概所剩无几了。取而代之的家庭语言是英文和华文。昨天在游乐场听见一些孩子以福建话交谈,突然觉得很新鲜也很可爱。言谈之中,不难料想到这些孩子也许是由不译华英语的祖父母所带大的。忽然有个念头从脑子里闪过: 方言会失传吗? 在这金钱挂帅的社会里,方言在商场根本派用不上场,无法为人们赚钱的东西自然容易被遗弃。也许真的会有这么的一天,福建话,客家话,广东话。。。全都被人们遗忘了。若真的有这么的一天,我倒觉得有点可惜。无论是那种语言都有它的独特之处,它的根,它的本,它的一切都令人怀念之。失传了,未免太可惜了。

最令我印象深刻的方言莫过于是槟城的福建话。我本身是福建人,来到了槟城开腔说福建话,竟然让当地人误以为是潮州人。原因无它,就是我的福建腔完全有别于当地的口音。不止口腔,就连某些词语的发音也截然不同。刚抵步槟城时,对于当地人将”谁”这个发音为”zi zui”很感兴趣。”谁”怎么会变成zi zui呢? 很奇怪叻! 我所认知的”谁”有”xiang” ,”ha mi lang” (什么人),有时讲得太快就会把”ha mi lang” 说成”ha mang”。怎么说也轮不到”zi zui”。想来想去,我觉得zi zui 应该是表示”是谁”的意思吧! Penang kia, 你怎么说呢?

“头家,kopi mai liao.” ( 老板,咖啡不要料。)
心里想,咖啡里有料的咩? 那我倒很有兴趣见识一下究竟是什么料了?
原来,所谓的料就是不要加糖或牛奶。Penang kia, 我所了解的对吗?

“头家,teh kau.” (老板,茶厚。)
teh kau? 是何方神圣啊?
原来penang kia 是要加多点茶,要厚厚的茶。。。。teh kau, 说得通,说得通!

接着,就是让我打开眼界的ambra 酸梅了。刚开始,我真的听得一头雾水。不过,penang kai 极力推荐这号饮料,想必口味应该不赖,一试也无妨啊!
来了,来了,ambra 来了,原来这个新朋友原来就是我家乡所谓的”红毛 ka na”,penang kia, 还真有创意叻!

之后,就被我的保姆的”放假”一词吓了一跳。放假不就叫做”pang ka” 吗?
怎么变成”pang keh” 了!呢? 假,单字的读音是”keh”,所以放假就理所当然读成”pang keh”了。这样也行啊?

最令我无法适应的是”三个月”的san eh guet. 不是应该读成 san ko guet 吗? 难道”三个人” 是 san eh lang, 从来没有人读成 san ko long,所以 san ko guet 就不普遍了。是这样的吗?

还有很多很趣味的槟城福建话,真的令我回味无穷。Penang kia 的创意力真的令我打开眼界,叹为观止! 这样有趣的方言若失传了,你说那有多可惜,是不?

10 条评论:

Happyland 说...

希望不要让方言失传啦~ >_<

恩轩至佳 说...


Han 说...



”是谁”应读: 猪最
mai liao 理解对了,不过通常是指糖而不是牛奶
san eh lang(三个人):我这个大槟城主义会一相情愿的认为是"三位人"而不是"三个人".如此,san ko guet 和 san eh lang就成立了.

恩轩至佳 说...

怎么会变成"猪嘴"呢? 哈哈哈,太好笑了!
我原以为我可以称霸福建村,看来真的是天外有天,人外有人喔! 谢谢你,福建老师,AhMiaow..

珣蘋星 说...

BT, still remember I love to sing Hokkien song; but that mostly Taiwan accent.


谁 = “zui3 zui3” 或 “ha miang”

“mai liao” = 不要料 = kosong (for drink); 如 kopi mai liao, bali mai liao, etc.

Penang kia (Northern people) would have their dialect and accent mix with other languages; especially Malay.

So, Ambra is from English; i.e. ambarella juice (or normally known as ambra asam juice). Ambra is a short form of Ambarella.

“pang ka” is more for middle and southern of peninsular; Penang kia calls it “pang keh”.

如 “keh ki” =假期

三个月 = “sa ko quet” 或 “sa le quet”

三个人 = “sa kieo lang” 或 “sa le lang”

三个位 = sa le ui

“le”is more general for 个 ; and others are specifics.

Other than that, Penang kia have a lot more funny, special, unique and creative words / accents which even is 4-letter word (dirty word) but a lot of people use it innocently (so, lady or kid must beware, mind your Penang Hokkien dialect).

珣蘋星 说...

One more to add:

According to a study, accent (口音) will have a significant change after 50 years, and a quantum revolution within 200-500 years.

That mean, if a person from future / past (deviate by 500 years) coming back to his / her native place or home town right this moment, he / she will definitely cannot understand the accent totally.

A lot of tribal societies had their character / language written in accent. That is why a lot of tribal societies extinct in the world together with their history.

That is no one manages to understand their character which represented accent after age.

The powerful of Chinese character is it's emerged to represent a meaning (verbs, nouns, adjectives, compounds, derivatives, etc; i.e. like a dictionary).

That is why Chinese cultural, diction, literature and history able to retain till today.

So, proud to be a Chinese that understand Chinese character, right? :D

Han 说...

密池, 珣蘋星才是大师啊....

恩轩至佳 说...



AhMiaow, 我认同你的说法,珣蘋星是真正的福建大师!

珣蘋星 说...

ahMiaow and BT (密池),

Thanks but I wish I could deserve your compliment; i.e. I dare not accept the honor (不敢当).

I believe most Penang-kia do so as this is a mother nature for those are growing in this tiny island that dominated by this typical Hokkien dialect (in fact, I’m a hakka-ngin).

I just add a little comment on BT’s blog for sharing purpose as I like her blog!

恩轩至佳 说...

Thanks, 珣蘋星 (Tai). I really appreciate all your comments and sharing. It's my pleasure to be your friend!

Frankly, you are very knowledgeable.Cheers!


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